Saturday, April 6, 2013

The United States is a Reflection of The Bible

Recently, The History Channel put together a great mini-series The Bible. It was a five part series that told the story all the way from Genesis to Revelations. Anybody who watched it would have a hard time doubting the existence of God.

Being a Christian Republican, the part that stood out to me was that the people prospered when they were following God and would fall when they turned away from God. It started when Eve ate the forbidden fruit and soon paid the price.

Next it was Abraham who convinced his people to follow God's word to leave Mesopotamia and head to the land of Canaan. God promised Abraham that his people would be as numerous as the stars in Heaven. However, they would have to be enslaved for 400 years first. It was Moses who was able to free them through God's guidance.

As he set up his Kingdom in Israel, he made sure that God was Central to the people. It was after Moses died that the prophet Samuel reluctantly gave Israel a King at the insistence of the people. God told him that if they want a king, give them a king. Saul became the first king but the most well know was David. The Kings that followed David though would turn away from God and do their own thing. The result was that they were enslaved to the Babylonians.

It was not until the Prophet Daniel was able to get his people to once again have faith in God that they were freed.

Then Jesus was born and we all know the story of how he was crucified for all of our sins. Eventually all of his disciples except John suffered the same fate. The Roman Empire was known for persecuting Christians and they eventually fell.

Now, fast forward to the United States. The pilgrims came here on the Mayflower to escape being persecuted for their Christian beliefs. When they got their independence from England, the country was founded with Christian values based on the Bible. Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution indicate that we are a nation under God.

It was as a Christian nation that the United States prospered. This was the country where people had freedoms that were enjoyed by no other nation. With these freedoms, people made great things like cars, planes, TVs, phones, computers, etc. Electricity was also created. People became wealthy from their own innovation. It was the founders and their faith in God that made all that possible.

Now fast forward to now. It is legal to murder unborn babies. Homosexual marriage will likely be legal in the near future. Politicians have gotten elected by telling people that all these great men who made great things are the bad guys. We have gotten so far away from God and wonder why we are $16 trillion in debt. If you read the Bible and get the DVD of the mini series, it won't be too difficult to figure out.

Ben Carson in 2016.

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