Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Problem With the Robin Hood Mentality

Robin Hood has been a popular story that has been told and retold for centuries. So many viewed him as this heroic figure who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. So many see it as a noble concept.

Unfortunately, Robin Hood should not be viewed as a hero but as a thief. "Thou Shall Not Steal" means just that. It doesn't say it is okay to steal and then give to someone else. I call that robbing Peter to Pay Paul. The subtitle above even says Prince of Thieves. A thief is a thief in God's eyes. He doesn't grade on the curve.

One reason why I don't like democrats is that they take the story of Robin Hood and use it to influence voters. They say things like we should make the rich pay more taxes and giving the middle class a tax break. Obama has used this to persuade voters his way.

The problem is that this has created a mindset for so many people that is just wrong. They demonize rich people creating a false belief that rich are bad and poor are good. That is the furthest thing from the truth. There are rich people who have created many opportunities for others. The owners of Chik-Fil-A are a perfect example of that. Unfortunately, they are only known for their stance on gay marriage which should have surprised nobody since they close on Sundays because of their Christian beliefs.

On the flip side, there are poor people who are not good people. There are poor people who lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. The voting public needs to understand that rich vs. poor and good vs. bad are two totally unrelated terms. There are good rich people and bad rich people just like there are good poor people and bad poor people.

So this idea of demonizing the rich is not only inaccurate, it is also dangerous. It creates a sense of entitlement among poor people that is not the will of God at all. 2 Thessalonians 3 verse 10 says "If a man does not work, he shall not eat." That clearly means that if you want it, you have to earn it.

That is the difference between the democrats and the republicans. The republicans believe that the poor can also prosper. They believe in equal opportunity. Keep in mind that equal opportunity does not mean equal results. If a football team has two guys competing to be the starting quarterback, they will both get the chance to prove their worth but only one wins.

That is how a free enterprise system is supposed to work. All businesses get an equal chance, but only the good products stand the test of time.

The democrats ideas of putting high taxes on the rich is flawed. Often times a poor or middle class person has an idea that is really good but needs financing. The more you tax the rich, the less they have to help the poor get their ideas going. Just because they are rich, it doesn't mean they have unlimited resources. Therefore, stealing from the rich doesn't help the poor as much as they want the public to believe.

The other problem with the Robin Hood mentality is that the rich always have and always will outsmart the system and keep the money that they worked hard for. Unfortunately, that means they have to resort to methods that are morally questionable at times. For example, they can buy an old warehouse and have it go bankrupt in order to write it off for a loss. That creates no opportunities for anybody.

The saddest part of this whole thing is that the democrats know this. They just want the public to believe that they are on the side of the "middle class." The republicans want everyone to prosper. That is what God wants too. The fact is that the democrats and republicans are both rich. The difference is that the republicans believe that all can become wealthy with hard work and smart decisions. The democrats deep down have the mindset of "We got ours."

They mislead the public and the sad part is that it works. It works because many people believe they are entitled to it. They just blindly follow this party believing that they will help them and yet they never do. At the  democratic convention, Michelle Obama wore an $8,000 dress in a speech that demonized the rich. What does that tell you?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How Obama Just Doesn't Get the Concept of the United States

Mr. Obama (I refuse to call him president) has stated before that the United States is not a Christian nation. For anybody who knows how this country was formed, that is offensive. The fact is that the Constitution and the formation of the United States were based off of the bible. Many of the ideas of the Legislative Branch came from the Book of Letiviticus.

The basic idea of the United States was that each state would have it's own independent government that could govern itself. Many of the powers such as education, health care, business,  and others were reserved to the states to resolve themselves. The three basic roles of the federal government was to be national defense, foreign policy, and foreign trade. That is very similar to how Moses divided up the tribes in the Books of Exodus all the way through Numbers. Moses wanted issues to be resolved at the lowest level first before going to him.

Anybody who understands this knows that Obama is doing horribly in the debates. Governor Romney, on the other hand, has said repeatedly that health care should be handled at the state level as well as education. That is why Obamacare will not work. Romneycare worked at the state level. When you handle it at the smallest level possible, that is less spending.

Romney has also stated repeatedly that we are a nation under God. That is stated in the pledge of allegiance which liberals have tried to take out of schools.

Obama has repeatedly made comments during the debates that undermines what the states can do. He clearly wants the federal government to control everything. Those are Marxist ideas. Whenever you add more government, that is a move closer to communism. Obama has added over 400 agencies. Not only is that a communist mindset, but it has created more federal spending. That is why the deficit has doubled.

The sad part is that we should have known better than to elect this guy. His willingness to kill babies goes against our inalienable or God given right to life given to us in the Declaration of Independence. That is also in the Ten Commandments, Thou shall not kill the innocent. If he will go against God, why would anyone think he would go against the Constitution which acknowledges a divine creator.

The voters really should have done their homework four years ago. They would have seen that whether he was legally born here or not, his primary influences were anti-American. Both his father and step-father were Muslims. Neither were from America.

Frank Marshall Davis, a communist leader, mentored him for ten years in Hawaii. He was also mentored for 20 years by a racist, Reverend Jeremiah Wright who preached Anti-American sermons. He was also influenced by anti-white America Harvard professor Derrick Bell.

With all this and if you watch 2016, you will clearly understand what his real agenda is. He is about anti-colonialism and anti-capitalism which are concepts that our country was founded on.

I have stated before that to be an effective public official, you don't have to be super intelligent or come from some great background. You just need to know and follow the Bible and the Constitution. Obama clearly knows and follows neither.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Why Christians Need to be More Involved in Politics

Recently, I spoke to a local politician whom I know well. I asked him why more and more politicians seem to be in favor of gay rights and more specifically gay marriage. His answer astonished me at how simple it is. He said because gays vote. I asked him, "Well don't Christians vote?" He shrugged his shoulders and said "They do."

His tone was that the Christian vote is not as big of factor as the gay vote. The part about this that stands out to me is that it is not as though these politicians actually care about gay rights all that much. It is the fact that they vote. Not only do they vote, but they are also very vocal in their cause.

Christians on the other hand are nowhere near as involved as they need to be. The fact is that less than half of the Christian community votes. Many of the Christians who do vote don't put their Christian values first. They put union, ethnicity, other issues ahead of their Christianity.

A good friend of mine who used to be highly involved with the local tea party told me that Christians will say they don't vote because government is corrupt. They got it backwards though. Government is corrupt because Christians don't vote and the ones who do don't always vote Christian values first.

I have seen it first hand. I have the utmost respect for my pastor and I have heard him condemn politicians who are pro-choice and support gay marriage. Then I walk in the parking lot of my church and see bumper stickers for the same kind of candidates my pastor speaks against.

My pastor does preach the importance of Christians voting Christian values. As much as I respect my pastor, I have to say that that is JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Christians need to not only vote, but they need to be as vocal as the gays and other special interests. Make no mistake of it. If Christians really made their voice heard, the politicians would listen. They listen to those who vote and keep them in office.

While becoming more vocal will help, it is still not good enough. The fact is that even if the politicians start listening to the loud Christian voice, they will jump ship to a louder voice if it keeps them in office. The only way to prevent that is when you have candidates who stand true to their values no matter how many votes it may cost them.

The only way for that is to have candidates who know and follow the righteous path. Therefore, while voting and making their voice heard are important, the only way for the Christian vote to really be represented is if the churches start producing the candidates. I know so many people are afraid to run for office, but let me tell you that I DID. It was one of the most blessed experiences I have ever had.

I am not a prominent lawyer or CEO or anything of high status. I am a teacher and a security officer. So many people are stuck in this mindset that you have to be of a certain status to run and forget that many of the founding fathers were farmers and working men. That is because our government system was not set up to be all that complicated.

Therefore, we don't need all of our government officials to be from some lavish background. What we do need is more government officials who know and follow two things, The Bible and The Constitution.

Can you imagine that? I can.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Why I Have a Hard Time Supporting Democrats

I am often asked why would someone like you who is not rich support so many republicans when they are all about the big greedy corporations. That always makes me laugh those people don't understand that the party is not about the big corporations but about a concept I believe in. That is free enterprise.

That is a concept falls under our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those are inalienable rights meaning they are given to us by God as described in The Declaration of Independence. The Republicans see success as a good thing and that is why they think highly of big business. That in no way means they don't support small business.

On the other hand, democrats have historically felt a need to place limits on the number of businesses created. They totally disregard the inalienable rights given to us by God and continuously add more government to control the growth. They seem to think that the solution to big business is big government. That only results in big spending.

So why do so many democrats feel this way and why would they disregard our God given rights? Why they do it is for votes. They get endorsed by special interests and unions which in turn creates jobs for votes. The real problem is with the voters though because they often put their union or special interests ahead of their biblical views when voting.

If people voted their Christian values first, we would not have the problems listed above. Now you may be wondering what does free enterprise have to do with the bible. The answer is everything. Prosperity is God's plan for all of us.

So does that mean all republicans will support free enterprise and all democrats will favor more government regulations? Of course not, although that is a general rule. However, there are exceptions to every rule.

So how do voters know how to distinguish between the ones who will fight for free enterprise and the ones who will fight against it? The answer is really simple and I learned this a few months ago when I heard a great man of God, David Barton of Wall Builders, speak.

Take a look at a candidates stance on two issues. The first one is abortion. Right to life is another inalienable right given by God. That alone makes abortion wrong and it also goes against one of the Ten Commandments "Thou Shall not Kill the Innoncent."

The other issue to look at is the candidates stance on homosexual marriage. Genesis 2-24 states "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." That very clearly means that God defines marriage as a covenant with him between a man and a woman.

The truth of the matter to begin with is that no matter how "politically incorrect" it is, homosexuality is a sin. Therefore, those who engage in it are living an unrighteous lifestyle. Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. I Corinthians 6-9,10.

Prior to hearing Barton speak, I like so many other voters did not see a connection to these moral issues and economic issues. That is when he said that if a candidate can't get life and traditional family right, then he will not get anything else right either.

That is when it all made sense. If a politician is going to go and make up his own rules that go against God on life and family values, then why would anybody think he won't do that on economic issues?

For that reason if a candidate is pro-choice, he will likely be for gay marriage too. Then he will be against free enterprise in most cases. All of which go against God. Our constitution recognized that we are One nation under God. That meant that government was supposed to go with God and not against him.

The founding fathers recognized that God, and not man, decides what is right and wrong.

How is that a Democrat and a Republican thing? Well, we have a democratic president who endorses homosexual marriage and is pro choice. This is the same president who has created over 400 agencies and demonized big business. In Hawaii, we have a democratic governor who is the same way.

When you think about the politicians who support pro choice and gay marriage, the ones you think of are democrats. I have come to the conclusion that the word DEMOCRAT actually stands for Devil Enjoys Making Own Crazy Rules Any Time.  Who is the last republican you saw fighting for these issues. I am sure there are some, but they are much harder to find.

While I won't say all republicans are good, they at least won't go against God's rules on policies. Democrats do it quite regularly though. Vote however you want but be prepared to live with the consequences if you vote union and other interests ahead of your biblical views.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Church and State in America

Church and State in America is designed to take a look at how government and church were really meant to work together for what is best for the United States. The founding fathers wrote the constitution with biblical principles in mind. In fact, the first thing George Washington did as president was order the printing of hundreds of bibles that were to be used in schools.

The founding fathers actually predicted that if the bible was ever taken out of schools that teenage pregnancy, drug use, crime, sexual immorality, divorce, among other things would all increase. WOW! Were they ever right on that one?

Most Americans believe that America was founded on the idea of separation of church and state. What that was supposed to mean has totally became opposite. It was supposed to mean that one could not be persecuted for their religious beliefs or for sharing them. Has that ever gone the wrong way?

Now we have pastors being arrested for holding bible study's at their home and the Ten Commandments as well as pictures of Jesus being removed everywhere. Are the words "thou shall not kill" really offensive to non-christians? I would think that any religion would follow that principle.

When the country was first founded, candidates would go before pastors who would instruct the congregation who to vote for based on whose values most matched their churches. Can you imagine if that would happen today?

Church and State in America will explore these issues and discuss how to ever return there.